Drug Tariff, Safety and Alerts

The drug tariff is produced each month by NHS Prescriptions Services, part of NHS Business Services Authority (BSA).

Changes to Discount Deduction Arrangements (2022)

Action for Contractors: Please read the PSNC update, Briefing and FAQs document to understand the impact of the new arrangements. These changes will be taking place from October 2022.

New arrangements for the application of discount deduction to community pharmacy payments have now been agreed.

The new discount deduction system will see the current single scale split into three groups: one each for generic medicines, branded medicines, and appliances. Separate fixed deduction rates have been determined for each group.

From October 2022, discount deductions will begin transitioning to these new arrangements.

Read the full update, briefing document and FAQs


Improvement to price concessions process (2023)

Following the review of the concessionary price process, a package of measures has been developed to improve the system.

One of the solutions agreed between us and DHSC is that from 1st April 2023, all products granted a concessionary price will be classified as ‘Discount Not Deducted’ for the month(s) in which they are on concession.

Furthermore, from May 2023, DHSC has implemented a process to roll over to the following month any agreed prices for concessions requested on or after the 23rd of the month. We are also continuing to work with DHSC on how a ‘retrospective increased payment’ may apply, where appropriate. Further information regarding this concession ‘top-up’ mechanism will be issued once details are finalised.


Has Your Pharmacy Been Impacted by an Increase in Prescribing Interval to 56 days or More?

 Under the ‘Temporary Safeguarding Payment Agreement’ set out in the drug tariff Part XIVC, pharmacies adversely affected if prescribers systematically increase prescription duration on all or a significant percentage of their prescription items, are able to make a claim for additional payments as follows:

  • Payment due to an increase in supplier bills following an increase in prescription volume (Claim 1).
  • Payment due to an increase in prescription duration and the subsequent drop in items dispensed and therefore fewer fees (Claim 2)

For further information see the CPE website here where you will find the pharmacy contractor additional advance/compensatory fee claim form and information about how to make a claim.

Online drug tariff

You can access the drug tariff on the NHS BSA website. It can be viewed three working days before the start of each month.

Drug tariff queries and support

If you have queries about the drug tariff or need support, you can contact NHS BSA between Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm (excluding bank holidays).

Call 0300 330 1349 or email nhsbsa.prescriptionservices@nhsbsa.nhs.uk

Delivery of printed drug tariffs: Contact Primary Care Support England on 0333 014 2884 or pcse.enquiries@nhs.net, not NHS BSA, if you have queries about delivery of printed copies of the drug tariff.

Price concessions

See the latest price concessions.

Drug Safety and MHRA alert

If you have any CDs issues/concerns, visit www.cdreporting.co.uk.