CPGM: Spotlight on Services
Introducing our brand new series!
We’re collaborating with the NHS GM nationally commissioned services programme team to support you to deliver nationally commissioned services in line with service requirements and to ensure positive patient outcomes for the citizens of GM.
We’ve used our PharmOutcomes data and identified several themes which we want to share with you to help you maximise your success in service delivery. This will ensure patients receive the quality care they expect, and we know you want to give.
Over the coming months, we’ll share one service-related topic or theme in brief, each week, to help you reflect on what could make things easier for you. We’ll also provide some best practice top tips from your colleagues across GM.
Click the links below to view our publications so far:
New Medicines Service
Patient Safety Day
Minor Ailments Service (MAS)
Flu 2024/25
Pharmacy First
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – I’ve received a Pharmacy First ear infection referral which isn’t infected, but the patient has ear wax. What do I do?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – Can I use the rejection function in PharmOutcomes to refer a patient back to the GP?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – Do I need to check the patient’s care record as part of a Pharmacy First clinical pathway consultation?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – Can I change the quantity, strength or form of a medicine provided under a PGD for a clinical pathway?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – Sore Throat: Should I examine a patient’s throat for the Acute Sore Throat Pharmacy First pathway?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – What information should I include in patient notes?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – How do I escalate a patient back to General Practice?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – How can I increase the number of Pharmacy First referrals I receive from local GP practices?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – I’ve received a Pharmacy First ear infection referral which isn’t infected, but the patient has ear wax. What do I do?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – Urgent Medicine Supply: Why do I sometimes get a referral for the urgent supply of a Controlled Drug and what should I do if I get one?
- Spotlight on services: Pharmacy First – Can a patient who is not registered with a GP have a consultation for a clinical pathway?
Palliative Care
- Spotlight on Services: Palliative Care – What should I do if we are commissioned to provide the service and have issues obtaining medicines on the formulary?
- Spotlight on Services: Palliative Care – How often should commissioned pharmacies check Palliative Care stock levels?
PharmOutcomes and NHSmail
- Spotlight on services: PharmOutcomes and NHSmail – Why do we need to check both PharmOutcomes (or other IT platforms we use for service referrals) and the Shared Mailbox for service referrals?
- Spotlight on services: PharmOutcomes – Rejecting a referral for a service in PharmOutcomes: What information should I include in the rejection message?
- Spotlight on services: PharmOutcomes – What should we do if we can’t login into PharmOutcomes?
Pharmacy Contraception Service
- Spotlight on services: Contraception – Do I have to action a referral from a GP for the Pharmacy Contraception Service?
- Spotlight on services: Contraception – How many months’ supply of contraception should I provide?
- Spotlight on services: Contraception – If I have a safeguarding concern regarding an individual accessing the Pharmacy Contraception service, who should I contact?
- Spotlight on services: Contraception – Our pharmacy wants to provide the Community Pharmacy Contraception Service; how do we get started?
Hypertension Case Finding (HCF)
- Spotlight on services: HCF – What should I do if a patient’s clinic blood pressure reading indicates high blood pressure during a case-finding consultation?
- Spotlight on services: HCF – Can I do a Blood Pressure check for a patient with diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation?
- Spotlight on services: HCF – What should I do if I receive a referral for a Hypertension Clinic Check as a Pharmacy First referral on PharmOutcomes
- Spotlight on services: HCF – Does the ABPM results transcript need to be sent to the GP practice?
- Spotlight on services: HCF – What steps should we take if we a find a patient with an irregular heartbeat?
- Spotlight on services: HCF – If a GP Practice refers a patient for a blood pressure check, do I have to provide both stages of the service?
- Spotlight on services: HCF – How frequently can I complete a Clinic Check for a patient who does not have a diagnosis of hypertension?
- Spotlight on services: HCF – What is the latest appointment time I should offer a patient to fit an ABPM to ensure sufficient readings are taken to align with the specification?
- Spotlight on services: HCF – Can a GP practice refer a patient already diagnosed with hypertension for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)?
Discharge Medicines Service (DMS)
- Spotlight on services: DMS – Can I opt out of the Discharge Medicines Service?
- Spotlight on services: DMS – What should I do if I receive a referral for a patient that doesn’t usually use the pharmacy?
- Spotlight on services: DMS – Do I need to complete all three stages of the Discharge Medicines Service?
Smoking Cessation Service (SCS)
- Spotlight on services: SCS – Should I charge a patient referred to my pharmacy under the SCS service for NRT products?
- Spotlight on services: SCS – When and how many times should I attempt to contact the patient?