CPGM: Spotlight on Services

Introducing our brand new series!

We’re collaborating with the NHS GM nationally commissioned services programme team to support you to deliver nationally commissioned services in line with service requirements and to ensure positive patient outcomes for the citizens of GM.

We’ve used our PharmOutcomes data and identified several themes which we want to share with you to help you maximise your success in service delivery. This will ensure patients receive the quality care they expect, and we know you want to give.

Over the coming months, we’ll share one service-related topic or theme in brief, each week, to help you reflect on what could make things easier for you. We’ll also provide some best practice top tips from your colleagues across GM.

Click the links below to view our publications so far:

New Medicines Service

Patient Safety Day

Minor Ailments Service (MAS)

Flu 2024/25

Pharmacy First

Palliative Care

PharmOutcomes and NHSmail

Pharmacy Contraception Service

Hypertension Case Finding (HCF)

Discharge Medicines Service (DMS)

Smoking Cessation Service (SCS)

CPAF – Safeguarding


Record Keeping and Clinical Governance