Pharmacy Services Training

Discharge Medicines Service (DMS)

Toolkit and E-Learning Modules

NHSE&I have published the NHS Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) Toolkit, which aims to assist and support cross-sector implementation of the DMS as an Essential service in all NHS community pharmacies in England from 15th February.

A checklist to help with guidance on required actions can be found via this link,

The NHS MDS E-learning and assessment modules are also now live on the CPPE website. Access the modules here.


Substance Misuse

CPPE: Substance Use and Misuse E-Course

The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) is pleased to announce the launch of the Substance use and misuse e-course. This self-directed e-course has been developed to support pharmacy professionals to provide person-centred care for people who use and misuse substances.

Click here for more information and to access the programme

Virtual Outcomes Training

Community Pharmacy Provider Board (CPPB) have approved the purchase of the Virtual Outcomes Licence for the GM Healthcare Academy, to enable all Bolton and GM LPC contractors’ free access to the extensive online library of training resources.

This includes bite size training modules for staff and pharmacies for advanced services, HLP, and many other related topics.

GM Healthcare Academy have provided a dedicated newsletter which is available here, containing all essential information.

Independent Prescribing

CPPE have just launched a NEW programme  Preparing to train as an independent prescriber:

This new programme is open to pharmacists from all sectors of practice, including community pharmacists who are planning to commence their independent prescriber training with a Higher Education Institute (HEI). This is a fully funded course that helps pharmacists develop the skills and confidence to get ready and best prepare for independent prescriber training. The first cohort will start on 12th September. To find out more and book a place visit:

For more support with prescribing for those who are planning or already prescribers we have the prescribing learning gateway Prescribing (

Read the full newsletter update for more information