GM Integrated Care System (GM ICS)
GM Integrated Care System (ICS)
On the 1st of July 2022, the new statutory organisation; GM Integrated Care partnership was formed.
The Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership is helping organisations work better together
with people and communities. This will allow each local area to join up their services in a way that’s
best for their local communities, while the partnership, brings everyone together to share the
overarching decisions, making sure care is fair across the region.
NHS GM Integrated Care builds on a strong history of collaborative working since the devolution of
Health and social care in 2015. The priorities to tackle inequalities and deliver high quality NHS and
care services continue to remain a priority for Greater Manchester. Community Pharmacy has been
increasingly recognised by the system as being integral to helping achieve these objectives as we
contributed to the COVID, Flu vaccination programme, GP CPCS, CPCS, GM Minor Ailments Scheme
and PQS providing much needed high quality accessible walk-in services and have a significant role
to help deliver the prevention agenda.
The new statutory organisation will bring together colleagues working at neighbourhood, locality,
and city region level into closer collaboration than ever before. This will allow the system to improve
health and wellbeing for the benefit of the people of Greater Manchester. Further information can
be found here.
In Greater Manchester the GMHSCP (Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership) have been working as an ICS for the last five years.
The creation of a statutory Integrated Care Partnership and Integrated Care Board from April 2022 will formalise these arrangements and allow them to evolve to deliver even better health and care for the people of Greater Manchester. The GM ICS will operate at neighbourhood, locality and Greater Manchester level. Click here to read the full briefing document
Further information is also available on the ICS development and next steps report
NHS Joint National Plan
NHS England and NHS Improvement, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK have published the Joint National Plan for Inclusive Pharmacy Practice.
“The plan includes collaborative projects to develop a ‘menu’ of accredited training and resources for pharmacy professionals on culturally competent healthcare service delivery; and a resource pack to help pharmacy teams to learn how to use local population health data to help them engage with diverse communities to design culturally competent approaches to health inequalities” ( Dr Keith Ridge – Read the full blog here)
Click here to view the Joint National Plan for Inclusive Pharmacy Practice.
Click here to view the Joint covering letter.
Launch of the Greater Manchester ICP Strategy and Joint Forward Plan
Greater Manchester ICP Board has signed off the Joint Forward Plan, which is the delivery plan for Greater Manchester’s Integrated Care Partnership’s Strategy.
Their aim is that Greater Manchester becomes a place where everyone can live a good life. They can grow up, get on and grow old in a greener, fairer and more prosperous city region.
Stakeholder briefing public launch of the GMICP Strategy
To make the strategy more accessible and easier to digest, a number of materials are now available, bringing the 50-page document to life. This includes a 16-page summary and leaflet.
We encourage contractors to read these summary documents to gain an understanding about local plans moving forward.
Primary Care Blueprint Engagement Update
The PC Blueprint seeks to define and explain the vision and plans for Primary Care Greater Manchester aligned to support the delivery of the agreed ICP strategy over the next 5 years.
- In April 2023, the engagement draft was developed via the ICB and the wider system with assigned chapter leads from PC, locality lead and GM Primary Care leads from Community Pharmacy, Dentistry, Optometry and General Practice.
- There is ongoing consultation with wider stakeholders until the end of June to agree the draft narrative.
- A summary document has been produced to support engagement and keep all stakeholders up to date.
The document has been co-authored by Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB) and NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (NHS GM), and has been circulated to dentistry, general practice, pharmacy and optometry networks.
It is also being discussed at all 10 Locality Boards across Greater Manchester.
GMLPC and CPPB are currently providing feedback on the draft document with Dentistry, Optometry and General Practice.
CPPB in the ICS
Free HLP Champion Training
The Health Champion Training is available via Pharmacy Complete.
To enrol a learner for the Health Champion course please complete their details on the online form here:
The Health Champion role should be undertaken by a member (or members) off the public- facing healthcare team, usually a Healthcare or Medicines Counter Assistant. There is more information and support on HLP and the role of the Health Champion available here.
Enrolled learners will be sent the award-winning, engaging workbook and information to complete their self-directed training and assessment. This includes access to an online mock assessment to check understanding and build confidence ahead of requesting their full invigilator pack. The RSPH assessment is paper-based and taken in the pharmacy, invigilated by a GPhC registrant. Please click on these links to see the invigilator information and a short invigilator training video.
Register for Free Health Champion Training
GM Sit Rep Survey Update: Please Complete
The Community Pharmacy Provider Board have been working with the Primary Care Board and the GM ICS to update the sit rep tool to ensure it is simple, quick and easy to complete for community pharmacy teams.
We understand that there are significant pressures, operational, workforce and financial challenges facing our sector. The GM system is willing to support however, we will need data to understand the level of pressures to push for support. As you can see; the current rate of completion for community pharmacy is very low.
ALL contractors are encouraged to complete the survey especially when you are facing significant pressures. You will receive a request to complete this via email at your branch.
This information is shared with the GM system boards so that we can work on your behalf and get the support you require.