Self Care & Supporting your Patients
Self-care leaflets for patients
- The Self Care Forum publishes factsheets on a wide range of conditions including back pain, eczema and migraine.
- The NHS website also has excellent information that you can download for patients via this A-Z list of conditions.
GM Pain Management Resources Hub
GM healthcare professionals can use the new NHS GM Pain Management Resources Hub to support their patients to safely reduce opioids and identify alternatives. Resources include consultation scenarios, clinician tools, self-management guidance, education and training.
NHS GM Pain Management Resources Hub
Support survivors of sexual assault, abuse or violence
NHS England has launched a campaign to raise awareness of Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs). These centres provide 24/7 practical, medical, and emotional support to anyone affected by sexual violence without requiring police involvement.
Pharmacy owners and their team members can find their local SARC at to guide individuals in need.
If you would like to provide further support, you can also use available campaign assets
You can access additional training on identifying and responding to sexual abuse here
Patient centered care
NHSE&I Guidance: Patient Consultations
NHSE&I have developed a range of resources to help clinicians during patient consultations. This guidance has been co-designed with clinicians and patients, and informed by a review of existing guidance and research evidence. Click the links below to view the resources.
Choosing how to consult – Full guide
Choosing how to consult – Quick guide
Marie Curie and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society: Daffodil Standards
These standards will help you improve palliative and end-of-life care.
Register for more information and to view the standards.
NHS England Community Pharmacy Animation
NHS England has produced this short animation around community pharmacy explaining the wealth of expertise on hand in the pharmacy. This would be really useful for patients. If you wish to download the video to use on your website, or in your waiting room click here
Swallowing Tablets Leaflet
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has created a leaflet to help teach children to swallow tablets which can be found here. It may be useful for pharmacy teams to share with parents helping their children learn to take tablets.
Recognising Tick Bites and Lyme Disease
While tick bites and Lyme disease is not treatable under Pharmacy First, patients presenting with these or other similar conditions will need to signposted onwards. Therefore it’s useful for pharmacy teams to learn more about these conditions to better enable them to spot symptoms.
To help with this, Lyme Disease UK has produced a range of resources:
- Photo examples to diagnose the EM rash
- Learning resources for pharmacy teams
- Information for health professionals
Nitazene information sheets
Nitazenes have been detected in a variety of illicit substances in Norfolk including Heroin, Crack Cocaine and Ketamine.
Nitazene information sheets have been produced to share further detail:
Scabies resources
Following the latest scabies outbreak in Trafford and the rise of national cases, some resources have been published to help identify and treat the condition.
Would you know if you had scabies – Briefing to help identify the condition
Family contact treatment sheet
NHS App Patient Guide
With the upcoming rollout of Patient Led Ordering, it’s a good idea to ensure that your patients are able to confidently use the NHS app. To help with this, a useful patient guide has been published.
Promoting Prescription Prepayment Certificates
In light of the rising cost of living, some people are finding it difficult to afford medicines. NHS prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) could help them save money. To help pharmacy teams raise awareness of these, posters are available to display. Download your PPC posters
NHS SPS: Updated PGD Guidance
NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service (SPS) has updated its Introduction to PGDs guidance, setting out what a PGD is and how it is used in clinical practice. Read more
Repeat Prescribing Toolkit
The Repeat Prescribing Toolkit is jointly published today by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the Royal College of General Practitioners. It was commissioned by NHS England as one of the National Overprescribing Review recommendations.
This is an important piece of work and a great collaboration between pharmacy and GPs.