Patient Led Ordering (PLO) webinar – Watch on-demand
Thank you to everyone that attended the GM Patient Led Ordering webinar.
If you missed the webinar, you can now watch on-demand and view the event slides
During the webinar, representatives from the Medicines Optimisation Teams, NHS Greater Manchester ICB and Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester (CPGM) covered a wide range of PLO related topics including:
- An overview of the process of PLO.
- The GM approach for the roll out and implementation.
- The implications and benefits for pharmacies and patients.
- The process of identifying patients who will need additional support with managing the process of ordering their repeat medication “vulnerable patients”.
- Best practice and support resources for community pharmacies from CPGM.
- Q&A section to answer any PLO-related queries.
To support you, CPGM have created a hub page Patient Led Ordering (PLO) – Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester which contains the information and links to the key documents.
CPGM have also produced a short PLO briefing for Community Pharmacy Teams
Feedback Form: We’re requesting your feedback on the rollout of Patient Led Ordering. Your comments will help use resolve issues and inform future support. Click to complete the short form