Primary Care Provider Board
Background Information
Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB) is the collaborative giving a unified voice to primary care providers across Greater Manchester.
Established in 2015, the PCB aims to improve quality within the 1,800 primary care providers across Greater Manchester to deliver better outcomes for local communities.
A key part of Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership (GMICP), the PCB operates at three levels – neighbourhood, place (10 Greater Manchester boroughs) and system – and has a single vision and strategy to drive transformation.
“Primary care providers working collaboratively and in partnership at neighbourhood, place and system level to improve health and wellbeing throughout our communities.”
New website for community pharmacy workforce in Greater Manchester
Online resources to support your practice’s quality improvement, your personal and team development and your health and wellbeing can now be accessed in one place.
The new Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board website – – aims to be a one-stop-shop for our 22,000-strong Greater Manchester primary care workforce, providing information, resources and signposting to support you.
Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB) is the collaborative giving a unified voice to primary care providers across Greater Manchester.
The site intends to complement existing online community pharmacy resources, joining the dots between different sites, not replacing them.
Within the site, you will find a community pharmacy-specific area featuring information relating to pharmacy excellence, enhanced services, prevention and health and wellbeing.
Outside of community pharmacy, an ‘about us’ section tells the story of the Primary Care Provider Board, outlining more about why the board exists, who is involved, what it does and how. A central workforce hub features useful recruitment and development support, as well as an extensive health and wellbeing offer. And a sustainability section provides ideas to help providers take action to contribute towards greener healthcare.
The website will continuously develop and your feedback is encouraged through the online form to help us understand what is working well and where there are opportunities to improve.
Going forward, we want to share your news, successes, upcoming events or case studies through the site and will be building in a process to work with the Community Pharmacy Provider Board to proactively gather content for the news pages (and other PCB communications channels). In the meantime, if you have anything to share, please use the online contact us form.
GM PCB Partner Update
The Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (GM PCB) has provided first Partner update.
The update contains important information about the role and recent activity of the Primary Care Board.