Help to reduce medicine waste – support the NHS Greater Manchester campaign

NHS Greater Manchester has launched a medicines wastage campaign, asking people to make small changes to help reduce the number of medicines being wasted:

  1. Only order what you need – we are encouraging people to use the NHS app and only select the medicines they need now.
  2. Check your prescription bag – before leaving the pharmacy, we are asking people to check that there isn’t extra medication in there that they don’t currently need.
  3. Take your medications to hospital with you – we would also like people to ask hospital staff to refer them to their community pharmacy for support with their medication when they leave hospital.
  4. Tell your pharmacist if your medication is no longer right for you – this way you can support patients and improve their care.

Please help support the campaign:

Download the campaign toolkit and use the social media posts and assets and display campaign materials including posters and visuals for digital screens in your pharmacy.