Minor Ailments Scheme (MAS)

Locality Status

Extended eligibility criteria will be rolled over until further notice (See criteria below)

Bury Extended eligibility criteria will be rolled over until further notice (See criteria below)
Manchester Extended eligibility criteria will be rolled over until further notice (See criteria below)
Oldham Extended eligibility criteria will be rolled over until further notice (See criteria below)
Rochdale Extended eligibility criteria will be rolled over until further notice (See criteria below)
Salford Extended eligibility criteria applies (See criteria below)
Stockport Extended eligibility criteria applies (See criteria below)
Tameside Extended eligibility criteria applies (See criteria below)
Trafford Extended eligibility criteria will be rolled over until further notice (See criteria below)

Extended eligibility criteria will be rolled over until further notice (See criteria below)


Further information will be published here when available for localities that have rolled over.

GM MAS Patient Eligibility Criteria

The service can be accessed free at the point of use by residents within Greater Manchester set by the localities in which geography the service is delivered,
and who meets the financial eligibility criteria as per the published Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group (GMMMG) commissioning
statement. The GMMMG commissioning statement defines financial vulnerability as in receipt of the following income related benefits (in line with NHS
national criteria for help with prescription costs).

Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan locality areas are using the exemption criteria below
• is under 16 years of age
• is 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education
• is 60 years of age or over
• has a valid maternity exemption certificate
• has a valid medical exemption certificate
• has a valid prescription exemption certificate issued by Ministry of Defence
• is named on current HC2 charges certificate
• gets Income Support or income related ESA
• gets income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
• is entitled or named on valid NHS Tax Credit Exemption certificate
• receives Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (including partners)
• Universal Credit and meets the criteria. Find out more at www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/UC

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